jeudi, juin 23, 2005

Don't mess with Scientology

Check this out !!

but don't forget what happened to Bill Gates !!

13 commentaires:

Kay Ballard a dit…

Thanks for the invitation to visit your blog. It looks fantastic--I wish I could read French.

Trenzas a dit…

Hola..! Gracias por tu visita a mi blog..! Y por cierto, bonita profesión la tuya. ¿Solo Blogger..?
Y no me extraña que te guste la Argentina con esas vistas tan estupendas.
Un saludo cordial, amigo

Dimples a dit…

Thank you so much for your kind words!

Je suis desole!!!
Je ne le comprends pas quand il parle.

Lara a dit…

Oh, my god, are you serious? That's NOT Tom, is it?? Ouch!

Rootietoot a dit…

Thanks for the invite, but I read French about like I dance the samba

Anonyme a dit…

et bah dis donc krakouze, ça va les nanas ...

Glow a dit…

Salut, remerciements pour
la visite, Respects du Mexique!! :)

Crew Koos a dit…

For Anonymous

"Le Web Veritable Aspirateur a Gonzesses ???"

Le sujet mériterai d étre débatu dans un prochain post !!!

En tous cas l opération jfais de la pub pour mon blog est un franc succés !

gulnaz a dit…

thanks for visiting my blog, i like yours but sadly i don't know french, so can't read the stuff here. wish i could read it.

Fortunato a dit…

That was an awesome video!

maruschka a dit…

I have to take a french class tjis summer...*smile*

DaJe a dit…

That was a bad thing to do to Tom Cruise! But it's not really him at the picture, is he?

Crew Koos a dit…

Unfortunatly girls the picture IS really Tom Cruise at the beginning i must admit !

So when you look at your boyfriend, you should better remember that everything is possible !